

2009年8月16日 星期日

Via-Gra - Stop Stop Stop (english version)

   俄羅斯女子組合Via-Gra/Nu Virgos/聖女天團←台灣的官方中文名,有讓我汗顏到,她們的MV那麼火辣用「聖女」是想暗示/明示「性女」嗎?=_="(爆汗)


No I didn't trust him      But he rushed me to feel
Tried to mesmerize me and was All sex appeal

Told me everything      That I was longing to hear
Shiny and handsome      My souvenir

And then all of a sudden    I have fallen in love
He would put me down    But I'd still place him above

Tired of searching for the love  That still lives in him
Giving my everything      Like a souvenir

Given up my heart    In the name of a memory
Fallen down like rain   He could feel every drop

Now I know I have    Have the courage to tell him
Tell him to stop stop stop

Given up my heart     In the name of a memory
Fallen down like rain    He could taste every drop

Now I know I have     Have the courage to tell him
Tell him to stop stop stop

I've become invisible     I melt away at night
Dreaming once so colourful   Becomes black and white

Loving once so wonderful    Is no longer here
So I'll keep this feeling     Like a souvenir

Given up my heart      In the name of a memory
Fallen down like rain     He could feel every drop

Now I know I have   Have the courage to tell him
Tell him to stop stop stop

Given up my heart     In the name of a memory
Fallen down like rain    He could taste every drop

Now I know I have    Have the courage to tell him
Tell him to stop stop stop


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